Movement calendars

When Pierre Millotte turned to others to show other lives than his own, he decided to show the movements we make outside our region: holidays, business trips, weekends… all these movements that ponctuate our lives.
About one hundred persons filled out the distributed calendars, indicating when they left their place of life. The rule is the same for all: each picture shows a one year calendar and each colour relates to a region of France (white for abroad). The result is different every time. Just as our lives are all different.

Text and photo to enter real life

At the same time, Pierre Millotte photographed all the people whose calendars have given rise to paintings. At certain exhibitions, the paintings were accompanied by these portraits and a short text refering to the movements made during the year.

Summer, time to go

For some paintings, Pierre Millotte focused on the summer period, time of the great migrations, and made square formats of a three months duration.

Behind colors: where and when

To go further in the delivery of the real life information, Pierre Millotte made some small sizes printed on paper which, like advent calendars, open to give away the secret of the date and the place of the movements.

And why not paint a lifetime?

The experience of the Movement calendars led Pierre Millotte to keep the idea of a geographical colour code, while strectching out the time scale from one year to an entire life.
Instead of representing a week, a line represents now a year and this makes the lenght of each picture literally reflect its subject’s age.